Cabochon ring

Cabochon ring photo


Cabochon ring
中にはハンドカットによって形が歪んだものや、経年変化で剥げや欠けがあるパーツもありますが( *1)、新品のスワロフスキーとは違い、一点物としての魅力が詰まっています。


Cabochon ringも、どんどん増えていき今では50種類以上に。 1 page

The materials used in the manufacture of the "Cabochon ring" are vintage American and European glasses as well as modern sourced glass.
Each model is unique in terms of the stone used as well as the cut.

The appearance of the central part of the accessory may be a little distorted depending on how it was cut by hand.
Due to the evolution of the jewel over the years, certain parts may come off or become chipped (*1).
But each ring is a unique piece, unlike mass-produced jewelry such as Swarofski.

As I wanted to be able to contemplate more closely the charm of these small glass stones, instead of making earrings or a pendant, I created a ring that I can admire at any time and within reach.

Compared to when I started creating the first rings, the number of different models has gradually increased to around fifty today.



Each model is unique and each color has a unique shade. The ring part of the ring is made of a weave of brass wires, assembled by hand, one by one.

I want you to feel the emotion of having found a unique object for yourself through this jewel.
These unique models come in various sizes. You should definitely try to find the model that is right for you too.

(*1) Stones with chips are polished before listing, please don't worry about this.


Hand pendant Movement ring Bottle pendant Cabochon ring